in pictures

The Recipe for
«  Liquefied Concentrated Porridge »



january 25, 2025 version

To prepare a Liquefied Concentrated Porridge (LCP), cook 

1 volume of flour in 2 volumes of water then, to liquefy,  

add a naturel amylase, for instance 3 pinches of malt  

It is the "1+2+3 Recipe"  

So you have to put three times more flour than in an ordinary porridge!  

To easily and quickly liquefy the thick, still hot porridge, use a natural amylase : either a germinated cereal flour (malt), or fresh or dried sweet potato, or a maternal amylase (saliva or milk). The amylase liquefaction is used to fight the catastrophic dilution of thick porridges with water. 

The LCP will be prepared if possible with a compound flour, such as BAMiSA. A BAMiSA BCL has three to four times the nutritional value of regular porridge, while being fluid in consistency. 

This document is intended for health staff and facilitators to enable them to explain the "Recipe 1+2+3" to mothers, families and pupils during nutrition education sessions. It is presented through pictures : 

  • The Preparation of concentrated porridge,
  • – Its Liquefaction,
  • – The "1+2+3 Recipe" as theme of National Education.
  • The ‘’1+2+3 Recipe’’ as theme of Nutritional Education.

Documents 04 of the  website gives further information on the liquefaction of porridges.

1° - Preparation -

Prepare a concentrated porridge by mixing

 - A lot of flour
 - A little water 

Wardogo Burkina Faso 2014

Wardogo Burkina Faso 2014

Wardogo Burkina Faso 2014

volume of flour

volume of water

pour this mixture in
volume of water
which has been set to boil.


2° - Preparation -


Wardogo Burkina Faso 2014

Cook until the porridge is nice and thick.


3°  - Liquefaction -

Liquefy this porridge with a natural amylase
The thick porridge
becomes a Concentrated Liquid Porridge 

Koupéla Burkina Faso 2014

The same porridge, one or two minutes after the action of a naturel malt.  


4° - Liquefaction -

liquefy the porridge either int the cooking pot


Wardogo Burkina Faso 2014

Wardogo Burkina Faso 2014

Let cool a bit
before mixing the malt

…The porridge become liquid


 5° - Liquefaction -

or liquefy the porridge - in each child'bold



Burkina Faso 2008


Tambacounda Sénégal 2013

Distribute the hot thick porridge

Then add in each bowl, add a litte malt,
or ask the mother to mix with a spoon wet with her saliva or milt (Maternal amylases)

6°  - Liquefaction -

The porridge is liquid enough to be drunk
Consumption is fast, compmete and clean   

Koupéla Burkina Faso 2014

Wardogo Burkina Faso 2014

Dagana Sénégal 2013

Child can drink the porridge (from 4 months)

Liquefied porridge can be
 given with a syringe

 7° - Nutritional Education -

This "recipe 1+2+3" deserves to be taught to moms who will teach it to mother moms

Koumogo Tchad 2017

Demonstration of liquefaction in a community site

8° - Nutritional Education -

Thanks to the "1+2+3 recipe"


9° - Nutritional Education -

The informative labelling as shown ont the sachets of BAMiSA flour, is an education support.


10° - Nutritional Education -

Take the time to explain "1 + 2 + 3 recipe"



PÉRÉRÉ, Bénin 2022

11° - Nutritional Education -

What if you dont't have BAMiSA flour ?




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